Collection 'Hellvetya's T-Shirt' created by Kairos is ready for review!

Hellvetya’s T-Shirt

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Will check this now!

Everything looks good, approving!

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The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Hello Yannakis, user Kueen Hellvetya wanted to do some modification to the name of the item only, so it must have sent the wearable for re-submission apparently.
Kueen Hellvetya will be co-maganing the distribution of the item. I can actually wave the rights to distribution to her directly, it is fine.
Would it be possible to have the items renamed, per her request? She will operate distribution right away on the marketplace afterwards.

Thank you very much Yannakis

The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Changes approved! @Kairos

Hello @Yannakis

When publishing the item, we found there is a mesh issue on the wearable on the shoulder level. Female version actually is worse. On Blender there was no sign of broken mesh. How can this be fixed, what solution can be found, as the item has been published?

Hello @Kairos looks like you also updated the model when making the name change? Do you have the version that you had uploaded before? To fix this you just need to merge the vertices in blender and potentially have to reweight it.

Could you try uploading those to the builder?

Shall i create a new collection? I cannot add 2 files while editing the items in the existing collection

A new collection was created, but it cannot be published, otherwise it is another 100USD to spend.

No need to create a new collection. You can click the 3 dots and select “add female representation “

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Ok due to screen resolution on that potato of a laptop, i failed to notice i could MOVE the page and indeed ADD another item :sweat_smile:
As it shows “unsynced” i do not know if i should do something? all files should be updated :slight_smile:

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Haha perfect!! Will check this and reply back here!

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Everything looks good on my end in builder so I went ahead and approved it as I’m having trouble getting in game at the moment will try again shortly and get back to you if anything!

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Amazing, we finally have a product that works! I have been trying for an entire year to get things right, so it is a lot of frustration that is gone now :fire:. Thank you so much @Yannakis
Similarly, we have a little correction on the texturing of previous item herebelow, but it is only the texturing, so item should work:

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Approved both! @Kairos

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Thanks a lot @Yannakis :fire: :fire: :fire:

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