Collection 'Grill Master Championship Belt' created by oldguy is ready for review!

Grill Master Championship Belt

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Grill Master Championship Belt

  • Description: Steel plated belt only for a Master Griller. OldGuy x PunkPink
  • Rarity: mythic
  • Category: earring
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Will check this item now

Thank you so much !!!

The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Please add an earring to the design since this is published under the earring category and display it on the thumbnail at a size similar to that of the belt. Also please move the logos on the thumbnail to the bottom right corner

[quote=“Yannakis, post:5, topic:21195, full:true”]
Please add an earring to the design since this is published under the earring category and display it on the thumbnail at a size similar to that of the belt. Also please move the logos on the thumbnail to the bottom right corner
[/quote] No I don’t want a earring. So, what do I need to have the creator do for me?

Can I change the category?

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Yes but youll still have to add whatever the category main asset is

thank you so much I will pass it on

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Hey! Looks like theres a lot of clipping and distortion on the updated version. Lmk when its updated!
What I’d do is scale it down a bit and only weight it to the hips bone.

ok, Thank you will send the info on. I will let you know when it’s done. thank you for your time

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