Collection 'Golfcraft x COCOBAY' created by pablo is ready for review!

Golfcraft x COCOBAY

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Golfcraft x Cocobay Cap

Golfcraft x Cocobay Love head

Golfcraft x Cocobay Umbrella

Golfcraft x Cocobay Glasses

Golfcraft x Cocobay Peace

Golfcraft x Cocobay Hat

Golfcraft x Cocobay Headphones

Golfcraft x Cocobay Jeans

Golfcraft x Cocobay shorts

Golfcraft x Cocobay pink shorts

Golfcraft x Cocobay Bananas

Golfcraft x Cocobay Alien

Golfcraft x Cocobay Pollito

Golfcraft x Cocobay Hand

Golfcraft x Cocobay watch

Golfcraft x Cocobay Ranbow Head

Golfcraft x Cocobay Rollers

Golfcraft x Cocobay Oink

Golfcraft x Cocobay Mew

Golfcraft x Cocobay T-shirt

hey i will check this now

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The collection has been assigned to Sango

Hi could you make thew following changes,

-Apply “helmet”, “tiara” to the wearable overrides for " Golfcraft x Cocobay Cap", " Golfcraft x Cocobay Hat"

-Apply “Hat”, “helmet”, “Tiara” to the wearable overrides for “Golfcraft x Cocobay Love head”, “Golfcraft x Cocobay Umbrella”, " Golfcraft x Cocobay Ranbow Head"

–Apply “Hair”, “Hat”, “Helmet”, “tiara” to the wearable overrides for “Golfcraft x Cocobay Alien”, “Golfcraft x Cocobay Pollito”, “Golfcraft x Cocobay Mew”, “Golfcraft x Cocobay Oink”


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Applied the suggested changes.

Is there any possible combination where we can allow the pig,chicken,aliand & cat heads which are defined as helmets, to fit with the hat and the cap? maybe as masks? if it’s not possible, no problem, we can go like it is now.

tagging @Sango for notification

There is an option to remove overrides for your character ingame, we have to have overrides set on the wearables to avoid clipping from a default stand point, but as mentioned players have the choice to remove this restriction themselves in game to enable users to freely mix and match wearables regardless of overrides

Hope this helps

oh perfect , then we can go as it is, thanks a lot @Sango

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This collection has been approved



How does modification work? we uploaded a modification to the collection for 3 items.
Changing it from “Head” to “Hair” in order to be able to show eyes and mouth.

Thanks and regards.

Hi Pablo, let me know which items have been changed and i will check them over

Golfcraft x COCOBAY Love head
Golfcraft x COCOBAY Umbrella
Golfcraft x COCOBAY Rainbow Head

Hi could you add, Hat, helmet and tiara to the overrides for the love head, umbrella and rainbow head.

Also the rainbow head will need to be reduced in height.

Could you check now @Sango?

Thanks a lot.

By the way, how are wearable committees rewarded for work on modifications?

It seems that the hides are still missing on my end could you try add them again?

There is no monetization on modifications of wearables for curation members.

Done @Sango .

This collection has been approved. Thanks!