Collection 'Gold Collection' created by 0xc729...b1c21 is ready for review!

is there a reason behind changing the category? if you have the torso with the neckless this can only be in the upperbody category
If you want it to be set as earring you will need to add earing mesh to the model and also make the earrings take up 50% of the thumbnail and remove the torso from the necklace model. you will alos then need to test it in world with a good few of the upperbody parts to check for clipping

Thank you for the valuable information give to us.

I revert my changes. Please check and update as soon as possible.

Hello, Any Updates??

Are you there? I am waiting for your update.

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Hey, we don’t get notifications sometimes if we’re not tagged. I’ll just @Sango now :slight_smile:

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i am here :wink: update pushed

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Why not add my earning MANA Coins in my wallet Account?

Please, Solve the notification bug.

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this is an upperbody not earring

Tag : What about this?

Please review my submission.

Hello, Any one are you there?

hi make sure you tag me otherwise i wont get a notification i will look now

Can you remove the MVMF22 tag please as this doesnt fit the theme of “cyberpunk meets nature” then its all good to go

Please check I removed the Tag

please make sure you push the changes, its still there now

Please check properly.

I already removed and submitted that.

i wouldnt be able to take screen shot if it wasnt there :slight_smile: ill check again now

This collection has been approved