Collection 'Factuals' created by Ducksauce18#267a is ready for review!


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Home Team Varsity Jacket

Anbu Varsity Jacket

EQ Varsity Jacket

Ground Work Varsity Jacket

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hello I will have a look at this wearable todayt

hello the jackets work correctly but I noticed that you used some logs and pokemon in them could you modify them to avoid the copyright infrigement, let me know whenb you do that

oh sorry logos like cubone one

Are you ok with this image?

Just want to make sure before I update the NFT with it.

if the logo is yours I see no issue with it being on the jacket however in case of doubt you can write to,

@Lauretta It is mine and I updated the NFT with it so I am ready to move on to the next step.

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perfect will review it as soon as possible

hello @ducksauce18 the logos look good now however I noticed that the jacket on the female avatar clips with the legs can you make the jacket a little bigger on the hips, I believed that will solve the issue

@Lauretta I tried and can not make it any wider without causing a greater issue

@Lauretta can you just accepted as a male only jacket

hello, yes no problem with that, thanks for your patience however there seemed to be an issue with decentraland and I couldn’t approve it. when you change it let me know and I will try to approve again

@Lauretta It has been changed

hello @ducksauce18 thanks for your patience approved!