Collection 'ENO Network Collection' created by AngelENO is ready for review!

ENO Network Collection

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ENO T-Shirt

hey will review this now

  1. Consider removing both the Upper Body and the Hands override and tweaking the model accordingly (that is, remove all the geometry, related to hands from the model).
  2. Consider adding proper female representation, or making the wearable male only. Due to the female representation using the same model as the male representation such clipping issues occur:

Otherwise it’s good to go.


The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991

Hey @AndreusAs thank you very much for the review. I’ll get in touch with our 3D team to work on what you mentioned. As soon as I have the new version of the wearable, I’ll upload it and reach out to you. Thank you very much.

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hi @AndreusAs , My 3D team has been having issues with the creation of the wearable. When they remove the hands in the design, they aren’t visible. They mentioned they’ve followed the manual precisely but can’t pinpoint the issue. Is there a way we could schedule a video call to provide guidance and help solve the problem? Thank you.

Hey! This happens in the preview world, right?


Yes, If you have a official tutorial or schedule a videocall we really appreciate that. :grinning:

Hey! Consider removing Hands and Upper Body from the Overrides section.

In case that doesn’t help, I’ll be in touch for next 10-11 hours - just DM me and we will arange a call.


Hey @AndreusAs, I reviewed what you mentioned, and in the current version of the wearable that’s under review, the body parts are already activated in Overrides. I’m attaching the image—should we modify anything else?

Hey, remove those overrides.


What are the next steps?

Did it help? Does it look alright in the preview world?

Hey! Yes, iy looks fine on the preview World.

Besides creating a version for female, is there anything else we would need to do on our end?

That’s it, I believe, just pay attention to the waist height difference between representations.


Hey, we’ve uploaded the male and female versions of the t-shirt. Could you review them for approval? Thanks.

Collection approved!