Collection 'eBay Sneakers X KnownOrigin' created by 0x231e...7e586 is ready for review!

eBay Sneakers X KnownOrigin

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eBay Sneakers X KnownOrigin T

Hey, can you push a small change? Currenlty not visible in curation tab.

Hey Yannakis, thanks for the speedy response. Sure can, what do you need me to change sorry? Thanks

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Sometimes the wearables don’t get pushed to the curation tab so we can review and approve. Pushing a small change like an additional tag or reuploading the wearable usually solves the issue

The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Thanks, have just done this now.

Yup it worked!
Please send IP usage proof for “eBay Sneakers” to

No problems, I will send the agreement over now. Thanks

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Just got the approval from legal team, sorry for the delay. Collection approved!

Thank you very much Yannakis, much appreciated! I’ve just updated the thumbnail, is that OK ? Cheers

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The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Yeap thats fine. Change approved!