Collection 'Daybed Cowboy Hat & Boots' created by Daybed is ready for review!

Daybed Cowboy Hat & Boots

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Daybed Cheetah Cowboy Hat

Daybed Cheetah Cowboy Boots


Collaborated with @AnimatorKirk Animator Kirk on my first wearables. 1,000 cowboy hats, 1,000 cowboy boots. Female boots version shows my Bored Ape #6328. Check them out! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey @Daybed, congrats on the new wearable! Looking forward to seeing this get approved, good luck!


Wow, these look amazing, cant wait to see them here

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Amazing collection! DCL is in need of some pastel cowboy accessories!

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Hey, I’ll check this out~

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These look good, just be aware with a few of the pants there was slight clipping with the shoes but ok.
(mainly the loose fit pants but kinda unavoidable with this design)

All approved! Go get’em cowboy~ :horse_racing:


Yeeeee Haw!

@michi is correct on the “workable” number of pants. There’s a total of 36 default bottoms in DCL for the male and female presenting avatars. Of those 26 bottoms work with my cowboy boots. There’s like 14 of the female bottoms that work and 12 of the male bottoms. Not sure the measurements of yours but perhaps you will have similar results.


LOVING THIS!! Gotttttta get ready for the amazing events @ HAUS OF DAYBED !!


thank you so much! :slight_smile:

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Heyya @michi! :cowboy_hat_face: thank you for taking a look and approving them! :raised_hands:
I have made one small change to it and reuploaded for reapproval. The change is the male boots have my Bored Ape #6328 on it also. No changes were made to anything else. Can’t wait to see them on Decentraland soon! <3


omg! IKR <3 Can’t wait!

Cute!!! They need to come in all the colors!!

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Awesome that update is approved!

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oh wow, thanks for the heads up on that!
Would that be because of the thickness/wideness of the boots is smaller vs the pants? Would creating the boots thicker/wider do the trick and get rid of the clipping issue perhaps? If it does, great, but also might run into the boot being disproportionate to the rest of the body if we go too wide xD

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@michi Small change: Removed ‘Hides Tiara’ section for cowboy boots (unisex) and need to push/publish changes. I’ve had people say they wish they could wear with certain tiara wearables such as Wisher Vodka wings (tiara), and weed wings (tiara) with the hat. This change will allow them to wear the hat with more options.

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