Collection 'Cyberware' created by T0kenKiwi is ready for review!


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Cyberpunk Hair & Implant

Cyberpunk Leather Jacket

The collection has been assigned to theankou

wearable overlaps with standard pants, also in-game it overlaps with legs when avatar running, this needs to be fixed

Thanks for the heads up @theankou. I’ve significantly improved weighting around the hips and legs to prevent clipping.

However I noticed the brown pants you used for testing are not weighted very well and cause clipping. If you test it with the anything else like the grey joggers, yellow shorts, ripped jeans etc you don’t get clipping.

Also the female clips using the male fist pump in the editor however you do not have access to this emote as a female in game. All the standard female emotes work fine in game with out clipping.

Hope all is good now. Let me know if you spot anything else.


collection approved! ~

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