Collection 'Butterflies+Mums' created by srJH is ready for review!


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Butterfly+Sparkles Aura


  • Description: Female Leg(left) Tattoo, Male Arm(right) Tattoo WITH sneakers
  • Rarity: mythic
  • Category: feet

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The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

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These look so good! Just one change before I can approve. As the tattoo is now theres some clipping with most shirt/jackets. Any way to bring closer to arm or make it a bit shorter?

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Thank you Yannakis. Yeah so as of rn, this is as close as i can get to the actual skin without it beginning to clip with the skin itself. Unfortunately this wearable doesn’t go with alot of the current wearables. This I am aware of. There are wearables that it does go with however, and I intend to promote the creation of more sleeveless wearables because of this. As of now this is the best I can seem to do with out being able to actually modify the skin mat itself. If curation is okay with this, I am okay with this. I will update the wearable when skin modifying methods become available :slight_smile:

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I do see that it is clipping at the wrist a bit though, i didn’t see that before. i’d like to fix that at least

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Awesome let me know once its updated and ill approve asap!

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okay cool, it should be good to go! Thank you Yannakis!

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Approved! Have a good one @srJH !

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Hey Yannakis! Hope your days have been good.
Up until just a little bit ago today, I have only been able to view this tattoo wearable in world in test net. After getting a look at the wearable in DCL it seems there are clipping issues with the avatar skin that i can’t see to see in test net. Do you happen to have any suggestions on how i can fix this issue?

Screen Shot 2022-09-29 at 5.51.59 PM
these are terrible quality images but these clipping issues i do not see in test net. Im kinda stumped on how to move forward with testing the positioning of the polys before resubmitting

@Yannakis in test net it shows the polys being used for the tattoo looking good

my bad if that pinged you multiple times*

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Hmm tried placing it just a bit further from the skin?

im totally cool with doing that at this point and just guessing. The problem is that i can’t test the positioning to know if its exactly right if the testing “in world” isn’t accurate to the representation in world.
Like I said, i’m totally cool with guessing how much i need to adjust the vertices and then pushing changes. If it doesn’t end up 100% right i can push changes again if need be till it is right…
However, i’m wondering if this is something i’m going to have to do for every wearable like this?
I haven’t seen this problem yet in DCL, I don’t understand how the representation in test net in world would be different once it is actually “in world”.

Thanks to mattimus and some other community members, I was able to test the wearables through sdk and make the necessary adjustments. They should be good now @Yannakis

sometimes overlaps may happen on far distance of camera if you use alpha clip for small elements
so in your case it’s better to use alpha blend if you will still have issues

here are some screen shots of corrections being tested via sdk

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Awesome, approved the changes


hey @Yannakis just updated the shoe model in this wearable if you don’t mind taking a look when you get a chance. Thank you… Hope all is well

didn’t realize till after but just updated the thumbnail to match the representation as well

The collection has been assigned to Yannakis

Hey @srJH sorry for the delay! Collection approved!
Would u mind removing the frames from the thumbnails and pushing the update to stay aligned with the current rules?