Collection 'Bouquet with love's flavor' created by EibeAl#06c4 is ready for review!

Bouquet with love’s flavor

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Lovingly bouquet

The collection has been assigned to theankou

add earring model to match earring category
reduce the size of bouquet, because in-world it will overlap with floor, especially when people will use some of emotes

thumbnail should have transparent background
also, materials and textures counts limited to 2 2, currently you have 5 materials

hello,thank u !
i made a new one, with all remarks . i will change it today

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Hi! thumbnail should have transparent background

Bouquet now overlaps with body on most of emotes

Limit is 2 materials 2 textures, currently you have 5 materials

I made it … Check pls :wink:
p.s. i made a new pic without background, but cant remade pic on the decentraland , maybe my computer not work well. f the standard pic is fine, i thought i would like to stand with it …
Thank u !

hey @EibeAll earring should be assigned to 1 to head bone

also i recommend you to assign bouquet to 1 to hand bone, instead of fingers, because in-world it’s still overlaps with some of emotes, for example - run animation

and this hole needs to be closed (polygon in-world renders only from 1 side)

this is all issues that needs to be fixed

When tied to one bone animation does not work in dc works binding only with automatic weights, but then there is an overlay with emoticons…?:frowning:
I fixed the hole, now it should work …

hey @EibeAll earring should be assigned to 1 to head bone
also i recommend you to assign bouquet to 1 to hand bone, instead of fingers, because in-world it’s still overlaps with some of emotes, for example - run animation

if you have problems with weight painting to 1, make sure to normalize all weights, this will remove influence from other bones, if you set 1 to head \ hand bone

Hello^^ again. Please, check my iteam, i fixed the problems

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collection approved!