Collection 'BIZZLE Wear (@NFTSniperBot)' created by BizzleWear is ready for review!

BIZZLE Wear (@NFTSniperBot)

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**BIZZLE Wear Jacket (#BAYC 3500) **

BIZZLE Wear Head (#BAYC 3500)

BIZZLE Wear Pants (Purple)

BIZZLE Wear Shoes (Purple)



fire on the shoes! looking forward to any updates on approval.

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Hey DCL Team. Been 11 days, I have not heard from anyone. I’m curious if someone can reply here.

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Really like the ape head on this collection! hope this makes it to the market soon

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any news from the review team?

Your collection is under review, please provide written consent by #BAYC 3500 owner to proceed with this design . Please email to reconfirm that “BIZZLEWEAR” is the owner of #BAYC 3500 and the NFT/wearable submitted is in full compliance with Decentraland’s Content Policy and Terms of Use and you accept those terms.

Thank you!

Your collection is technically fine and ready to go. Please let me know by tagging me when you are ready with the legal email.
Have a great day!

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Hello @ vrglitch please check as the email was sent 2 times.

Pinging @vrglitch . email was sent

Thank you. Your collection has been approved.