Collection 'Bizzle Wear Characters' created by BizzleWear is ready for review!

Bizzle Wear Characters

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HBizzle (Chibi Ape #2)

Hi! Checking collection now!

add this categories to hiding list:

also + top_head

Adding another pic!

Uploading: 4.png… fixed tags below. edited

We updated the hide tags. Please check again! TY for the speedy response!

collection approved!

Hi I am messaging you on behalf of my client @hbizzle

We have encounter problem with this collection, Ours users complained they cant see this item on OpenSea anymore.

So I dig in deeper, if I manually type the url of this contract followed by item id:

I can confirm they removed it

Is there something we can do ? Please suggest @theankou

I think you will need to contact OpeanSea because this is issue from their side