Collection 'AnyMagik RP2EG | Knights Suits' created by Anymagik is ready for review!

Hey @NairuZa all issues that i listed - technical 3d model issues that needs to be fixed. There are no option “to fix this and skip this” from list of issues that i wrote. All this issues is important and they should be fixed. As experienced 3D modeler with over 15 years of expirience on background, i can tell you that all issues that i wrote on your collections can be fixed just in couple of minutes or at maximum few hours and there is nothing hard to do.

The most important thing that we check when curating wearables is option to combine all pieces of wearables together without any holes, overlaps, etc. Especially with standard, inventory, wearables. If any of wearable published by publisher have issues with standard body parts / wearables works bad together, then, publisher 3d model needs to be fixed.

Everything should be polished and work perfect with any of other wearables, not only yours.

Hello @theankou :slight_smile:

Hope you are doing good! <3

The female pants are fixed and remade with the good weights :wink:

The Hole is closed for the Female Knight Lvl. 1 Wearable Knight Top, it was the normals being flipped, i flipped it back on the blue side btw :wink:

The hole is closed for the Female Knight Lvl. 2 :wink:

The Knight Wearable Lvl. 4 is now fixed also :wink:

The clipping issue from the Knight Wearable Lvl. 5 Top is now fixed :slight_smile:

I will now work on the male ones and i’ll keep you updated for them :slight_smile:

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Hello theankou ,i am the modeller/artist of the collection and will be uploading the fixes soon