Collection 'Afro Apes Fan Art Logo' created by afroapes is ready for review!

Afro Apes Fan Art Logo

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**Afro Apes Logo Hoodie **


Please will this get to the DAO

Hey the thumbnail for female representation is different from the model. Can you change the texture to match the thumbnail? Or add the female one to the thumbnail.

Both models technically work OK.


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Hi Shibu, Thank you. I just made a thumbnail adjustment. is it possible to make separate thumbnail for both genders?. Hope the adjustment is good to go?. thank you once more for your time

Hi Shibu, Thank you. I just made a thumbnail adjustment. is it possible to make separate thumbnail for both genders?. Hope the adjustment is good to go?. thank you once more for your time

Yo this is will great for our community Afro apes

This is amazing @afro ape

Afro Apes is something different and this looks amazing

Dope! … hoodie…
Blendini magic


Consider making the items in the thumbnail a little bit smaller: right now it looks like it was shot with a zoomed in camera. Just give some free space at the edges, so that the background could be seen.


Thank you, i just made adjustments to the thumbnail. Is it better now. Please i will appreciate a quick review. it’s over a month i promised this to my community member

Hello! Collection approved!