Hello! It’s me Kristian aka theankou
I want to thank everyone who supported me with votes and everyone who supported me with purchasing of my latest wearable collection Ice-Ice-Maybe?
I want to write some information about me here, just to let people know for whom they are voting!
Firstly, i started doing 3d models and learning 3d modelling in 2012 year when i was 12 years old the studying was kinda like challenge for me and i never stopped to learn 3d modelling since then. Nowadays i’m 22 years old, i have a lot of knowledge about how to do 3d models, how to link them to skeleton properly, how to properly do weight paint, texturing, uv unwrap, sculpting, and all that kind of stuff, and the most important thing that right now i work as 3D HEAD at DAPPCRAFT team and i always teach and curate our 3d modelers!! For example, in last couple of months as part of DAPPCRAFT team i made 3d models for such famous wearables like “Coca-Cola Jacket”, “Kraken Cape, Kraken Glasses and Kraken Shoes” and also “Monkey Robot JMA for BAYC”
, and right now we are working on much much more interesting stuff with DAPPCRAFT members.
One of the main reasons why i want to join Wearables Curation Committee is to improve quality of Decentraland models. Recently i made for Decentraland skinning fixes for 90% of standard wearables (Ubody and Lbody wearables), so now all those standard wearables work much better with animations than before, for example, now they have much natural look and less overlap when you stand, walk, run, dance, etc… So as part of committee i want to continue provide more stuff like this. Also, i have enough of free time to check all this tons of cool wearable publications
For now thats all what i can say, but i’m very sure that in near future i will do a lot of additional important things than i listed above as member of committee for Decentraland!
Best Regards,
Kristian (theankou, 3D HEAD OF DAPPCRAFT)