[DAO:0b63cbe] Remove RizkGh from DAO Committee

by 0x247e0896706bb09245549e476257a0a1129db418 (coalition)

Should RizkGh be removed from DAO Committee?



Reasons for removing

As part of the recently approved governance revamp in the Decentraland DAO, the community has established a new approach to operations with the creation of a DAO Council and an Executive Arm.

This proposal is not a critique of the member’s past contributions but an opportunity to re-align the DAO Committee with these broader governance changes. It aims to bring in new perspectives to contribute to the Committee’s responsibilities.


The Decentraland DAO recently passed a proposal for establishing a DAO Council and an Executive Arm, redefining governance and operational oversight. These changes mark the importance of refreshing the Committee for a complete DAO reload and provide fair opportunities for all members.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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Plan to vote Yes for @rizk so no to your proposal.

Copeid from Discord, and edited under HP. But would hate for someone to not see this comment on Rizk or Tobiks forum post if they were the only ones they looked at

As someone who actively campaigned against 2/3 (Tobik and Rizk) of the DAO Committee, and has had a few issues with the third (HP) I feel that when I say there is no valid reason to remove any of them at this time it should carry more weight then if someone who has been a fan of them since the start was to suggest it.

While I certainly wish we had a DAO Committee that did not have a majority of members put there using RobL and DistrictX’s VP, as it is impossible for anyone to convince me that RobL is anything but a self serving liar who has no interest in Decentraland as a project and only cares about spreading disinformation to benefit himself, that does not mean that he can accidently make positive contributions to the space.

Certainly, Rizk and Tobik may be part of a long con to destabilize the dao; however, there is currently no evidence to suggest that they have not done anything but make good faith efforts to make meaningful contributions to the DAO, community, and Decentraland as a whole.

While I don’t love Rizk’s wearables, his builds are exceptional work, and if he did nothing else but make fantastic builds in DCL I think that would be enough to demonstrate that he has offered more to DCL then most. However, that is not the extent of what he has offered. He has been the face of the DAO Committee at most townhalls and other DAO events since his election, as well as having put forward governance to diversify the DAO treasury, and whether you agree with that or not, you can’t suggest that it wasn’t a thoughtful contribution that was coming from a good place with a desire to see Decentraland and the DAO thrive.

It is fair to say that Tobik is young and someone I have had issues with in the past; he has continued to step up and take on more responsibility and focus on helping the DAO in areas that align with his skill sets and interests via social media. I understand why some might suggest he is too young or could do more. Still, at the end of the day, he has shown a willingness to find ways to contribute to the platform and do, and there is no evidence to suggest he is in any way a threat to the DAO and capable of using his position to cause harm.

As for HP, who I continue to have a tense relationship with and often disagree with him about what is or is not best for the dao and DCL, I have always felt that he is at his core he is as well-intentioned as anyone when it comes to seeing the promise of Decentraland realized. Can he be a bit aggro in how he articulates himself? Maybe, but I’m certainly not in a position to make that judgment. Can he be a bit of a dink? Maybe, or maybe, he’s just French and trying his best to communicate in a language that he didn’t grow up reading, writing, or speaking. I’m not against the idea that we reevaluate the members of the DAO Committee, but I don’t think anyone submitting governance to remove all three of them at once is doing it from a place with good intentions for the dao, the community or the platform.

We are all human, none of us are perfect, and it is certainly possible a day will come when I look back with regret on my willingness to speak in the defense of these three individuals. But at this time, I don’t think there is any merit to the idea that they should be removed.


Rizk is an accomplished architect with over a decade of experience in both physical and digital realms. He has developed methods for collecting water for desert agriculture in Saudi Arabia, enhanced visitor experiences in Barcelona, digitally preserved the legacy of a Singaporean children’s home, and established MetaRizk Studio, which has led numerous collaborations and builds across Decentraland. This reflects his dedication to assisting others, fostering innovative designs, and contributing to the prosperity of Decentraland.

I vote against removing him. We face numerous challenges ahead and require people who embody these values and are genuinely committed to Decentraland’s success and the advancement of this space.

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