Collection 'Shimmering Space' created by Dereck is ready for review!

Shimmering Space

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Starry Eyed Shades

Hey! will check collection now

The collection has been assigned to fabeeobreen

Collection approved!

Thanks @fabeeobreen ! The item page is having the thumbnail issue. I tried replacing the image.

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I re-enabled your collection @Dereck please wait some minutes and let me know if you have any issue

@fabeeobreen It still isn’t showing correctly on the marketplace and I can’t see it in game.

Hey @Dereck
I just double checked and i can correctly see your wearable both in game and on the marketplace. Have you tried to clear browser cache?

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@fabeeobreen As far as I can tell the only people who can see it aren’t in the United States.

I can’t see my work either.
I have cleared my browser cache but no change.
Is there anything I should do?

I can now see my items! Thanks!

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