Collection 'Puffer Coat' created by Fernando is ready for review!

Puffer Coat

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Puffer Jacket

The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991



Hi @AndreusAs,

Good day! I had the weight painted and tested in the editor using all the emotes and they were all working fine.

Do you have any idea how I could fix this, or know of any resource that could help?

Thank you so much.

Hey! You might want to check the bone hierarcy of your skeleton, it must be completely identical to the Avatar source files. Also, consider applying all transforms before skinning.


Hi @AndreusAs,

Good Day!

I’ve fixed it. I tested it in world and it behaves properly as it should. Thank you for your help!

I have uploaded the new wearables in the collection. Should I re-publish them?

Hey, collection has been approved!

Thank you so much @AndreusAs! I am so thrilled about having my first Decentraland wearable being APPROVED!
