Collection 'MetaX' created by 0x8794...07685 is ready for review!

Is this the way to weight it to the hip bone ? Can you give me advice where to look ?

@Yannakis Hi,

Can you answer the question, please ?

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No you have to go to the weight painting tab. Might be a good idea watching some tutorials on blender weight painting

Hey, @Yannakis,

We just uploaded a new version of the model. Please, review it and let us know if there is something to change.

Thank you,
Tihomir Georgiev

make sure to include a female version too

We uploaded it as unisex item - is it necessary to have female representation in this case?

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yeapp the female waist line is a bit higher so you have to adjust it and upload as female represenation
if you need help with that let me know!

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Hi, @Yannakis

Female representation uploaded.

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Collection approved! @tishkata

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Thank you, @Yannakis!

After the approval I clicked “Publish” and now the collection is again “Under review”.
How much time it takes to go live in the marketplace?

You have to switch on “on sale” on the collection page.

Hello, @Yannakis.
We updated the cover image for our wearable, can you please review it?

Approved the change!