Collection 'GURA' created by lico2003#3bd6 is ready for review!


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**GURA Hat G Blue **

Taking a look now:) -H

Hello again! Please make sure you include hide hair for this wearable so it doesnt show through the back!:slight_smile: After this is done @ me here again and i will take a second look!:slight_smile:

Hi, sorry for the late reply @HirotoKai, didn’t know about this forum. I just added the hide hair option, let me know if everything is ok now.

Thank you!

@lico2003 Thank you approved!!!

@HirotoKai sorry to bother you again, the hat had a problem where it didn’t show correctly ingame, it’s fixed now and waiting for review.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you re-approved!!!:slight_smile:

@HirotoKai Thanks, but it still says it’s under review, when is it gonna be updated?

May have just been behind approved now!