Gilded Canvas Moon Boots
Gilded Canvas Moon Boots
- Description: Fashionable moon boots crafted of aero canvas with gilded strap
- Rarity: exotic
- Category: feet
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Gilded Canvas Moon Boots
I will check collection now!
@DOCTORdripp, collection approved!
Hi, I’ve fixed some clipping issues. It would be cool if there were more custom emotes to test against in testnet. I was able to find these in-game after publishing and was able to fix them against the preview’s Spotlight emote.
@Theankou are you available to push these changes through soon? Thank you
Hey @DOCTORdripp, collection re-approved!
Hi @theankou I’ve updated the tags on this item so it’s included in the Music Fest Space themed wearables. Thank you.
collection re-approved!