EMG Teacher Uniform 2024
**Female Veston **
- Rarity: exotic
- Category: upper_body
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**Female Veston **
hey will review this now
The collection has been assigned to AndreusAs#3991
Hi AndreusAs, how can I reproduce the problem? From the builder preview, I cannot observe the same render.
I just fixed the thumbnail of the collection. Thanks
Dear AndreusAs, do you know what can be the problem? If I send you the glb model can you point out the problem for us ?
Many thanks in advance
Dear AndreusAs, We did fix the models. However I found that the hands and the feet’s skin are missing as in the attachment. We dont override these components (hands, skin) but we still have to keep them in our wearable ?
Many thanks for your hints
The Hands should be ok in-game once the wearable is published, it’s a bug.
As for the feet - the “Skin” type stands for wearables, that cover the whole avatar, not for different parts of it’s body. Therefore you’ll have to include the missing feet parts into the wearable geometry and assign avatar skin material slot for them (more here).
Also there seem to be a small issue here (visible when walking, true for both representations):
Otherwise the models are good to go.
Dear AndreusAs,
Thank you for your prompt feedback. We will fix these errors tomorrow. Concerning the wearable’s holes (where we have to assign skin material), where can we find the texture to make sure it is identical to the one of the face / hand component?. Your reference points to a map section in a long document :-). I did not find that information. But hopefully my designer can find it. I appreciate if you can help us with more precise reference.
Many thanks in advance
Best regards
All you need is to name the material slot the right way. The engine should hook up the actual material automatically.
Dear AndreusAs, we just upload the new version. Please have a look
Many thanks.
Collection has been approved!