Collection 'Bee Move' created by GreatCarls is ready for review!

Bee Move

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Hey, will review this now.

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  1. Reduce the amount of materials and textures to 5 each (maximum).

  2. Consider finetuning rigging of legs a little more:

Otherwise it’s good to go.


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Hello @AndreusAs
I updated the file based on your feedback!
I have one concern regarding materials and textures.

As you see the screenshot above, I used 5 materials but when I uploaded file, it shows 6 materials. Do you know why it happens?

I fixed the legs issues, you will see it’s much better now ; )

Can you review the update, Please ; )

Thank you so much!

My team finally managed to decrease materials and textures!
It’s now 5 ; )

Can you please check if there is concerned issues anymore?
Would love to hear from you soon!

Thank you so much @AndreusAs

Hey, the model is good now!

One more thing - consider making the background of thumbnail transparent so that rarity color is applied correctly to it on the marketplace.


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Changed Thumbnail as it is originally.
Thank you very much @AndreusAs
Really appreciated it!

Collection approved!

Hello @AndreusAs
I have just changed some of “hide” option.
Can you please review the wearable please?
It would be really nice to keep the Mask and Tiara open.

Thank you.

Hey, collection re-approved!

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